#RestrictionContents Xin kính chào anh chị em (ACE) thành viên Vietmobile Hiện tại trên forum nhiều thành viên sử dụng chức năng ẩn link download và đặt với giá tiền ảo là 10 VM nhưng đồng thời forum lại có chức năng tặng 10 VM cho thành viên mới đăng ký, điều này sẽ dễ làm phát sinh chiêu trò không lành mạnh . Do vậy, BQT quyết định sẽ không duyệt nhận tiền cho người ẩn file có giá tiền ảo từ 20 VM trở xuống (<=20 VM) nhằm tránh phát sinh tiêu cực (dĩ nhiên sẽ có những giao dịch được duyệt nếu người mua đã nạp bằng tiền thật để mua file) Thay mặt BQT, trân trọng thông báo . Admin. .............................. Hi all, Currently, many members hide restriction contents with virtual money with the price of 10 VM or below (<=10 VM) and forum has function to automatically add 10 VM for newly registered member, this will lead to unwanted tricks. So, we finally decide not to approve the transactions with the price of below 20 VM (<=20VM) (there will be exceptions if buyers deposit to buy hidden files by cash) Best regards, Admin.
I took the option and vote to 2 (should not turn off this function) my reason : 1. I was special phone hardware technician so I really need a lot of phone scheme almost all brands and types of its. 2. keeping capability vietnam.vn forum we love ... this is necessary if there are new members who just need a schematic or firmware, and others not to smell "SPAM" (hit and run) let new members also play an active role in this forum 3. I see there are some members who shocked or do not like the VM + ... my advice please reasonable .. creates a perception of competition ... if 1 to 3 VM + is normal if it is our view of the cost of repairing the phone and its after sales service (count ..waktu mobile repair costs and the money you receive should not greater than the cost to buy scheme or firmware) for a forum like this very much 4. I invite all members to give their support and active beperan and keep the spirit high
Hi @wongjunhin , You should sympathize us for this situation. If we don't do this, we can not control cheating because our forum automatically adds 10 VM for every new user and we have to check whether users use many account or not --> many things to do...
All transactions with the price of <=20 VM will be held because most of them come from new members' virtual money Transactions with the price of >20 VM, you will get it, we don't hold Don't worry about it, our system will automatically add money into active members (members have many contributions to forum) Thanks